Starbucks has officially abandoned straws in favor of sippy cup lids … well, mostly

Jazmin Goodwin, CNN Business Starbucks has announced that it plans on phasing out all plastic straws from its 28,000 stores worldwide by 2020. Some of its drink cups will be fitted with special flat ...
Plastic Pollution Critical Threat to Florida Sea Turtles

Two scientists, David Duffy and Catherine Eastman, at the Whitney Laboratory for Marine Bioscience and Sea Turtle Hospital at the University of Florida, wrote an article on EcoWatch about the ubiquity of plastic in the oceans and the harm it brings ...
Watch “The Sea Turtle with a Straw in its Nostril – No To Single Use Plastics

THE FULL STORY: My research team found a male olive ridley sea turtle during an in-water research trip in Costa Rica. He had a 10-12 cm PLASTIC STRAW lodged in his nostril. After initially thinking ...